River, River, Slow Dance
River, River, Slow Dance collects love poems written to and for Mark over the five decades of our long marriage (1973 - 2023). I was so...
River, River, Slow Dance
Blues for A Rare Moon
Learning Their Names: Letters from the Home Place
All-Night Mirror: Notes Toward an Elegy
For the Love of Issa's Haiku
1st Prize Winner for the 2021 Geist Literal Literary Postcard Story Contest!
Raven Overhears the Young Lovers
On Webs
Translating Twilight, January
Blood Opera: The Raven Tango Poems
Love Letters to the World — Sidewalk Poetry in the Meadows
Videopoem: Engrams — Reach and Seize Memory
Mill Woods Living Heritage Project
Words Unzipped: SkirtsAfire Festival 2014
Video/Poetry Installation - Adrift
Collingwood Sidewalk Poetry Project